our town : Brioude

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In Brioude we can visit :

Brioude is located in Auvergne in the center of France.

Î Roman Basilica of St Julien de Brioude

The most renowned of Auvergne churches, most historically charged and one of the most beautiful.

Î Hotel de la dentelle : lace exhibition.

Î House of the salmon : there are sixteen aquariums in the museum because Brioude is famous for its salmons.

Î There are different sports practised in our region : kayaking, canoeing, rafting, hydrospeed because there are many rivers.

Î Not only does the Brivadois Region display contrasted scenery, a protected environment, picturesque villages, but it also benefits from a microclimate allowing for plenty sunshine. The villages are scattered at attitudes ranging from 406 to 924m.

Ô There is a lot for young people to do : a bowling alley, a Mc Donald's restaurant, a swimming pool, a cinema, a pub...

Ô there are many leisur and sport : walks, trail bike itineraries, horse riding, enjoying spring tides, the joys of fishing, other activities...


Aurore & Marine

http://www.ot-brioude.fr       click on the english version

Publié dans bacpro1

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