Google Sites: Simple, secure group websites

Publié le par bac pro

Google Sites makes it easy for anyone to create and manage simple, secure group websites. You can create and publish new pages with the click of a button, edit web pages like documents, and move content and pages around as you please. Information is stored securely online, and you decide who can edit or view the site. Google Sites is powerful and simple enough for a school or class website. Watch this how- to video.

Here is a classroom example : a website dedicated to the "explorers, voyages, events, and historical backgrounds of countries throughout the World.
To create an online quiz as in the example above watch the video below. Placing an online quiz created using Google Forms in your classroom blog or website could be an excellent way to assess your students understanding of the basics of a topic.

Other Google Apps useful for teachers: Classroomnext

Publié dans bacpro1

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